Support Forum
System Policies
Abusive Practices
The transmission of unsolicited or prohibited advertising or other content through electronic mail or inappropriate Usenet postings is forbidden. The use of Lonestar services for unsolicited mass mailings or postings (commonly known as "Spam[TM]") by any customer will cause that customer's services to be terminated immediately and without warning, and the customer will be held legally responsible for the damages to Lonestar Interactive, both monetary and in reputation. The use of any other service to make such a mailing or posting, with any reference to Lonestar Interactive services (including but not limited to mailboxes, autoresponders, and Web pages), shall also be grounds for account termination as described above.
Other Information
This is our first and most stringently enforced policy. The practices
described here can permanently destroy an online reputation overnight, and
easily taints any organization associated with the guilty party. We will
not tolerate these abuses.
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