Support Forum
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to common questions regarding the usage of your
account with Lonestar. If you have a question which you cannot find answered here, please send e-mail to
Available Topics
- Getting Started
- How do I login to the system?
- How do I connect with FTP?
- How do I connect with Telnet?
- How do I change my password?
- Where do I put my files to make them visible on the Web?
- What is my URL?
- How do I change my personal information?
- E-Mail and POP3 Access
- How can I use POP to access my mailbox?
- How do I access additional mailboxes at my domain?
- How do I change the password on a Virtual POP Mailbox?
- Where can I get a POP mailreader for my system?
- What mailreaders are available via Telnet?
- How can I change the From address on my outgoing e-mail?
- Troubleshooting
- I can't login to my account!
- I uploaded files, but my Web site is still empty!
- My Domain name won't resolve!
- My imagemap just returns "Server Error"!
- When I try to run a CGI script, I get "Server Error" or "Permission Denied"!
- When I try to run a CGI script, I get "Method Not Implemented"!
- When I try to run a CGI script, I see the contents of the script!
- When I try to show the contents of a script, it runs as CGI instead!
- I transferred my account from another provider, and some things don't work anymore!
- Can I use CGI programs?
- What CGI scripts are available on the system?
- How do I reference scripts in the system CGI directory?
- Where do I put my custom CGI programs?
- How do I see the errors from CGI programs?
- Can I use SSI commands?
- What SSI commands are available?
- Web Server
- Where do I find my access logs?
- How do I add a new MIME type?
- How do I prevent remote users from getting a directory listing in my site?
- Miscellaneous
- Where can I find Perl, and which versions are available?
- Where can I find sendmail?
- Where can I find other programs?

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