Texas-Sized, Texas-Value Web Hosting Packages

That's right: Pay for a year in advance on ANY web hosting plan, and get your first three months FREE!
Popular: The "Quart" E-Mail Hosting Plan! We now offer full IMAP e-mail hosting, for customers who do not require a web presence or would like to host their e-mail and DNS off-site for reliability and the built-in SPAM and virus filtering we provide. Like our other plans, we provide secure STARTTLS POP3/IMAP/SMTP access along with SSL Webmail availability. We also provide full DNS services with our e-mail hosting plan, to include dynamic forward DNS updates from authorized hosts within your network. Your outgoing e-mail is DKIM-signed, and we also publish SPF records for your domain, to ensure proper mail delivery. Contact us today for additional information!
Standard Features:
- We are better than Google Apps: leave those annoying IMAP connection limits, lack of phone support and easy NSA e-mail tapping features behind!
- Ultra-reliable e-mail. We're experts dealing with the complexity involved in modern e-mail - for both sending e-mail to customers, receiving their replies, and getting rid of the constant flood of spam, viruses and phishing attacks!
- DKIM signatures and SPF records published for your domain, to ensure mail delivery.
- Constant monitoring of our Senderscore and other e-mail reputation metrics, to maintain our reputation as a quality origin point for outgoing e-mail.
- Secure IMAP, POP3 and SMTP support, providing simultaneous access across a variety of devices (with specific configuration guides for Apple iOS, Android, Microsoft Outlook 2013, Mozilla Thunderbird and Pine/Re-Alpine on Linux).
- A very generous 20GB mail quota per e-mail account.
- Weekly, secure, off-site backups, of both your web content and your mailboxes.
Web Hosting Plan Features:
- Standard Linux Apache MySQL PHP offering (custom modules are also available upon request at no additional charge).
- Perl, Python, C/C++
- SSH shell access.
Call Now: 888.707.9321 / sales@lstar.net
Check out the specs below, and use our secure sign-up to start hosting with Lonestar today! We guarantee you'll like us!
Find a domain:
Nuevo: suempresa.com.mx!
Sign up now! We guarantee you'll be happy with our service!
E-Mail (Quart) |
Plan I (Barrel) |
Plan II (Pumpjack) |
Features |
Monthly price |
$8.95 |
$10.95 |
$14.95 |
Pay for a year in advance and get your first 3 months FREE! |
Web Disk space |
20GB |
50GB |
Monitoring |
24/7/365 |
24/7/365 |
24/7/365 |
Off-Site Full Backups |
Weekly |
Weekly |
Weekly |
Data transfer |
25GB/mo. |
100GB/mo. |
Dedicated IP Address |
no |
Available |
Available |
FTP / SSH Access |
yes |
yes |
Secure, encrypted access to IMAP/POP3 Mailboxes |
5 |
10 |
35 |
Webmail |
Secure, Encrypted Webmail Access |
SPAM Filtering |
Yes! |
Yes! |
Yes! |
Virus Filtering |
Yes! |
Yes! |
Yes! |
Autoresponders |
yes |
yes |
yes |
GNU Mailman Listservs |
yes |
no |
yes |
E-Mail Forwarding |
Unlimited |
Webalizer Graphical Reports |
yes |
yes |
Virtual Secure Server https://www.yourdomain.com/ |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
MySQL Database |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Subversion (SVN) Repository Support |
no |
yes |
| | | | |
Minimum Contracts |
None |
None |
None |
Setup price
Setup Fee is ONLY $14.95 |
Monthly price |
$8.95 |
$10.95 |
$14.95 |
Pay for a year in advance and get your first 3 months FREE! |
Sign up now! We guarantee you'll be happy with our service!